Different Aliens We Know Exist

Welcome to the second episode of  “Different Aliens We Know Exist,”

where we delve into the existence  of various extraterrestrial beings,

drawing insights from declassified CIA documents,  ancient texts and artifacts, spiritual mediums,

legendary accounts, and firsthand encounters or  experiences recorded by individuals globally.

Firstly, are the Nhorr of Daran. They live in a  binary system with six planets. A reptilian hybrid

species however they are nonetheless a gracious,  angelic like humanoids whose features give no

doubt about their ancestry; in particular, their  astonishing big reptilian golden eyes. They have

four genders, are vegetarians, pacifists,  they love colored clothes and body paint,

and their culture is based upon the creative arts.  The Nhorr are believed to be one of the first

creators of rhythmic ethereal sound waves and  frequencies that Earthlings know as music. Much

of their music is created by crystal instruments  and color frequencies to create a unique art

affecting mind and soul into higher frequencies.  They are a very unique recently discovered race

and have peaceful ties and communication with the  galactic federations of worlds. Their ships have

many different shapes and sizes; and the Nhorr  are reputable to be very spiritual and dislike

conformity. This race has not made any contact  or visited Earth also known as Terra. This

Extraterrestrial race has also interestingly been  portrayed in the science fiction film “The Fifth

Element” as the character known Diva Plavalaguna,  who is a famous and revered operatic performer in

the galaxy and also is the trusted contact of the  Mondo-shawans, who entrusted the elemental stones

to her for safekeeping before their demise  at the hands of Mangalore mercenaries.

The Lang alien species of the sixth star system  constellation “Coma Berenice are 5th dimensional

beings. This star system is composed of  ten planets, among which the Lang alien

race occupy three worlds. Lang are gracious  reptiloid hybrid humanoids not very tall at a

height of 2 feet approximately. Cultivating  their love for aesthetics and creativity,

they wear body decorations such as blue skin  pigments, feathers, beads, shiny trinkets,

and other accessories, for artistic purposes and  tribal recognition. The few clothes they wear are,

in general, very colorful attributions and  merits. Nature is essential to their lives,

and Lang are in total symbiosis with their  environment, physically and spiritually. They

hunt and eat other creatures, surprisingly,  but in all respects of the cycles of life,

which they consider part of their sacred  beliefs. Although this culture gives a

primitive impression, it is very misleading  because their technology is quite advanced,

notably in medicine and space travels where they  have integrated life in the Pleiades and new lyra

colonies. Lang visitors were among the earliest  aliens to discover Earth, and they are still

remembered in ancient legends and myths as fairies  and elves or mysterious little people. They never

abducted humans, and they rescued a very large  number of people from the reptilians.

The Akara of M104 galaxy system, the  mantis insectoid race who have green,

white and black skin tones. These beings,  as it occurs, of course, for everyone,

have their own ethical mindset but in their  case, what is noticeable is the absence of

notions such as bad or good, their ethics code  is rather based upon what is useful and logical,

and what is not. Feelings are, in this species,  very different from, for instance, in the humanoid

species. This is the main reason why  these peaceful beings will take part

willingly, for some of them, in the Ciakarr  and Orion empires’ hybridization programs,

which are violating basic cosmic rights  regarding to the galatic federation criteria,

but not for the Akara “Mantis. Their origin is  what you call the sombrero galaxy M104, 28 million

light years away from Earth. Based on matriarchal  hive structured society, these insectoid beings

exist from densities 3 up to 9 feet with female  mantis being the tallest. They look like the

imported praying mantis on earth near East asia,  they are an insectoid species but stand and walk

upright. Their head is V-shaped with huge  black faceted eyes and sets of little black

appendixes serve as fingers. They communicate  telepathically and are masters of science

of vibrational frequency and sonic technologies  making them prized scientists hunted and enslaved

by the Orion reptilian alliance who abduct  humans for various and unknown reasons.

Next extraterrestrial species is the Gnomopo  of Negumak planet in the Antarian system. They

name themselves after their home world, but  the original name of their race is Gnomopo,

one of the oldest known races that still lives in  a predatorial existence, and these predators can

travel interdimensional. Tall wide and large,  looking insectoid beings with a poisonous,

they are not humanoid based and their  genetic composition is, to our knowledge,

neither reptile, grey, or anything else living  in this galaxy. Negumak Gnomopo are unique. They

are androgynous and reproduce by laying giant  eggs. and then they fertilize them once the eggs

have reached a certain level of maturity. They  are monstrous warriors and terrorize everyone,

even Ciakahrr draco reptilian empire. They are  highly feared in all galaxies and are not a part

of the galactic federation of worlds. Negumak  have the power to wipe out the reptilian race

off existence and the federation of worlds is  trying to figure out how to win their alliance

till this day. Their ships are made of a dark  glossy metal and of very elaborate shapes.

Negumak are interestingly shown in the popular  tv series stranger things as the shadow monster

standing at a whopping 40 feet in height. Their  communication is unknown, however they have

performed abductions on various planets  including earth. All that is known is

that they use mind control very skillfully and  release the captives afterward. The awareness

of their existence was discovered by multiple  earth’s governments back in 1985 through 1989.

The Noor who are a peaceful gray fair skinned  pleiadian type of race originate from the 5th

planet Tar, Noori are of very tall size  and a strong musculature. They have blue,

green or clear grey eyes, blond to reddish hair  and a fair, very sensitive skin. This sensitivity

is due to the composition and radiations of their  dwarf star, Mana, ultra sensitivity also shared

with the other LIGHT fair skinned race living on  the 4th planet, the Ahil which technologically

advanced satellites that have blocked unnecessary  sun exposure for 70 million years. The noori were

one of the first explorers of Pleiadeans who  actually have visited and seeded on earth with

groups known as the Watchers and the Igigi.  Many descendants of the Noori, adapted to the

conditions of their world near Vega, evolved to  have red hair. This race of Noori Also visited

Earth with the Annunaki Atlantean civilization  and were remembered as the giant red haired

legendary people and also some could possibly be  the some of the gods of the nordic vikings.

The Andromedeans of the Andromedan constellation.  They are a Lyran colony who left to Vega to settle

in the Zenatean system, Andromeda constellation.  This binary star system is also named Titawin and

has four planets in orbit plus three planetoids.  The Zenae are an extremely spiritual race,

equivalent to the Ohari Arcturians and sometimes  mistaken for them. They are humanoids with blue

or purple skin for males and females. Females  can have golden skin and golden hair. Their

origin goes back to The Taal lyrans of the man  system, who fled the war and settled in the Vega

system. It is there that their physical features  evolved to a light and dark blue skin color. In

a second time, due to overpopulation on their  planet, Adara, a group of decided to migrate to

form a new colony. As well as the Zygons, the  Zenae adapted their genome to the atmospheric

conditions and components of their new planet,  as Lyrans know so well how to do these tasks.

They can live up to 1 thousand and 800 years.  The Zenae Andromedan society is based on a very

ancient warrior-like structure, which they adapted  into a society of spiritual warriors. Zenae will

fight for peace and defend the rights of universal  justice, mainly working on re-balancing frequency

fields. Their higher cast of sages can reach up  to the 12th density, and their life purpose is

principally based around learning, as Zenae  nourish a passion for science. The Zenatean

alliance is now interacting with the higher  consciousnesses of earth and sending envoys known

as star-seeds to help further raise the frequency  alongside the galactic federation. Their ships

are made of etheric glass, and they use plasmic  propulsion when in a denser atmosphere. Their

vessels are often diamond-shaped, or sometimes  crystalline geometrical structures. Their cities

and landscapes are advanced with greenhouse nature  surroundings with beautiful crystal and glass

houses with vast gardens and sophisticated  flying celestial vehicles roadways.

The Giansar from the home world is Tiphon Giansar  Sygma Draconis. The Giansar measure 4 to 5 feet

tall, elongated face, a tail and yellowish to  green lizard skin. When on earth, They often wear

dark, hooded robes or cloaks, camouflaging  their saurian features. These are are also

extremely dangerous and hateful towards humans  and lesser ranking reptiloids such as Greys,

and like all other branches of the serpent race  they utilize black witchcraft , sorcery and other

forms of mind control against their enemies.  They appear to be dimension-hopping sorcerers

or priest class among the reptilian draco  species. They are a kind of energy vampires

who feed off human emotions and life essence.  Sucking up the energy needed to nourish their

auric power but also to trap and enslave  humans by their vices and weaknesses,

blocking their spiritual growth and chakras.  Dragging their souls and energy back down into

lower planes of existence. They love to anchor  into the 3rd dimensional plane. This species

natural agenda is to conquer, assimilate,  and consume. This particular reptiloid race

is affiliated largely with your earth in a group  you call the Illuminati or elites. Gripping souls

of the earthlings by performing dark magical  rituals involving contacts with the realms of

lower dimensional demons ripping holes in the  fabric of space time between their and your

dimensional planes. For the reason that these  creatures feed off of the gloom of the human

collective. Any resistance involving shining  your own light and healing your wounds with

the human power level of Christ consciousness is  a celestial weapon and protection towards them.

Next are the Katayy who are a Taal Lyran colony  from Vega that established on a planet in Sirius

A, which is a bright blue star part of the binary  star system. Planet Kashta meaning born from the

brilliant star with multiple dwarf suns. There  environment is mostly water and desert lands,

much like the desert Sahara with long rivers  flowing. They are mostly peaceful and benevolent

humanoids, mainly dark skin with shades of  orange red and brown due to the adaptation

of hard sun exposure over 8 million years. The  Katayy have more interest in arts and spiritual

development than in diplomacy and conquests,  which is a reason why they didn’t join the

Ashtar collective. They terra formed Kashta with  Lyran technology using sound and etheric geometry,

to make the planet more suitable. The Katayy’s  planet is 8.6 thousand light years away from

earth. They are members of the galactic federation  of worlds but no longer engage in wars.

Next, are The Maytra Megopei of the Andromedan  galaxy who have a very dark and tyrannous

reputation right next to the Ciakahrr reptilian  race. They have been reported by the GFW as

bio-engineered hostile predators and galactic  colonizers that are believed to be created by

an unknown maleficent entity. They are at similar  heights to Earthlings and have long shaped faces,

elongated skulls, long slim necks, and all  carry a very mean and angry expression on

their face. It is believed their lifespan is  one hundred thousand years. Their motivation

has always been rage, hate, and assimilation  to all races of being. Their ships are large,

dark and discoidal with a circular row of  lights plus a large aperture underneath,

and their insignia is a black inverted  triangle on 3 lines and red background.

They have been visiting planet earth since  before the two last glaciations and tried

to colonize it at many occasions, but were  always interfered by either the Ciakahrr,

the Annunaki and later the Galactic federation of  worlds. They have colonized near 143 planets near

the Milky Way galaxy. Abductions of humans are  carried out openly by them, either for their own

interest or slave trade with the reptilians. The  Maytrei have been involved in several tragedies

throughout human history. Some of the worst  plagues were inflicted by them with knowledge and

agreement of the reptilians, who want the human  population to never go over 8 billion.

The Taal Shiar from the Planet Taalihara are the  outcast Pleiadean race of Jayha. Just because

group is labelled Pleiadean does not mean they  are here to help you or our always good which is

a common issue with earthlings. They live on the  orbit of the star Alcyone where they trued to bild

their own little from there, a thing was quasi  impossible regarding to the overpowering threat of

the orion and ciakarhrr empires. By opposition to  their brother Taygetans they did not the join the

the galatic federation and have instead allied  with the ashtar and Altair collectives who are

a group of pleadians that work with the reptilian  orion empire. They are involved with many misdeeds

on erath and other man race systems, They  further upset the galatic federation of worlds

with giving a world to a orion empire presence,  this race only wants to dominate and conquer.

The next alien species is a species of the man  system, their home world is the 3rd planet of

the man system: The sister race of the Ahel  Pleiadeans known as The Taal species who are

a multi racial civilization with light skinned,  dark skinned, brown skinned, orange, green and

blue man species with several genders with large  diversity in genetics from interbreeding resulting

in varieties of skin, eyes, and hair colors,  much like earth with large mixtures of gray,

Pleiadean reptiloid, and lyran feline ancestry.  They are pacifist and spiritual people with 5th

dimensional technology which many would consider  magic, with a strict code of ethics which they

respect with such with such personal involvement  that they may often mistaken for cold and

emotionless. It is on their planet Oman-Khera,  that sieged the government for the man star

system. It was organized in a hierarchical system  of monarchy presiding above a council of 25,

then an assembly of 300 senators. The Taal culture  and education is similar to the Ahel traditions,

although the spirituality diverges; the Taal  practice an ascetic spirituality based on the

idea that the body is obstacle to the elevation of  the spirit, contrarily to the Ahel pleiadians who

use it as a tool to connect to higher realms  of consciousness, During the lyran wars the

Taal government skillfully managed to pass an  agreement with the ciakahrr invaders to them

saving their culture and escorting the royal  Lyran Taal Family to safe passage to the near

star system Vega. They are apart of the GFW, and  7 colony cities in Pleiades and Sirius star system

and their spaceships are small and have many  different shapes depending on the colonies.

The Dorsay originate from Cassiopeia constellation  where have 2 home planets, in two close by star

systems: Ottora and Endelemen-Nyada. With a  maximum height of 5’3 Feet, Dorsay are small

grays with a batrachian face and big dark eyes.  They are a highly advanced pacifist civilization,

part of the galactic federation of worlds.  Their race is 4 billion years old. They have

visited at least 250 times and although they do  not want to get involved in any of the ongoing

wars. Dorsay are nonetheless opportunistic. They  eat each other alien races as well as humans,

and hunting is an activity they treasure. They  come indeed to Terra for hunting purposes and

this is not tolerated by the galactic  federation of worlds, which has regular

problems with them. Stay away from Dorsay,  they are predators. Dorsay ships are flat,

discoidal and metallic white. They were at the  origin of an unfortunate accident that impacted

earth ominously The Tunguska explosion  in 1908. For five days and four nights,

the Maytrei had been fighting the dorsay over a  shipment of slaves the dorsay fearlessly stole

from them. The conflict lasting and increasing  in violence. The G.F.W. intervened however the

Maytrei are not easily negotiate with. A Pleiadean  cargo ship of Ahel that was transporting crystal

to Alpha centauri was warned of the Dorsay  and Maytrei. The Maytrei then attacked and

shot down the pleiaden cargo ship along with  the dorsay ship. This was the actual cause of

the Tunguska explosion in 1908, and the reminder  that you don’t just just steal to the Maytra.

If you like this episode, please like share and  subscribe to Astral Legends for a third episode

part of different alien species that we know  exist and also for more ancient cosmic mysteries

and legends. May the eternal light forever  guide your path. See you on the next episode.

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